I love the style of this game and trying to out pace the avalanche. Really loving it so far.
I love the style of this game and trying to out pace the avalanche. Really loving it so far.
Every adjective that describes enjoyment is inserted [ here ]
Wonderful graphics, cool sound track. Great in short bursts and in long. A fantastic mobile game in every way.
I just cant put it down ,because you just wanna keep going, one of my favorite games
Very difficult and progress for the most part is not saved.
Needs an update I keep crashing into rocks when it splits but my guy is easily missing then
I love the game but there are some pretty bad bugs that need fixing, shred on!
I dont have very many games on my iPhone 5S. And rarely do I play the ones I have due to busy life. But this game is addicting, (not angry birds and tiny wings addicting). It keeps me coming back. I love working hard and getting a reward for it. Discovering new parts of the mountain. Saving my pinecones and all that jazz to buy shortcuts. Needless to say, I love this game. I highly recommend it
I ordered 3 maybe 4 lbs of Blue Diamond canned Water chestnuts. The kind in Asian food. I have yet to receive the package. Please notify me soon so I can lay my cats to rest.
Every aspect is cleverly and thoughtfully designed. Full of delightful little details.
This game is better than hot chocolate at the chalet.
...still. Great to see another coat of that polish.
Really awesome arcade game, sucked me in for a marathon play session, which is the first game (PC, console, iOS or otherwise) to do so in months. Bravo. Update 1.1 adds some nice new features and a bit of polish.
I feel this is a very good game but is crashing after this latest update.
This game is totally worth your purchase and your time. It evokes memories from SkiFree, with its endless slope and frequent obstacles. However, DudeSki adds in tons of mechanics that may seem simple at their surface, but are actually very deep. The slope is chock full of mystery and surprise, which I wont spoil. The latest update put in more polish and some new art, so this game is near perfect.
I know you just made improvements, but one of the things with the Yeti Valley is the mama penguin who we keep crashing into near the row of pine cones and you say that isnt supposed to happen now. My guy keeps crashing into it and I have updated the game as of April 15th. Also is thee a way to login into Facebook to see whom on your contact is playing and you can compete against them? And is there a way within a level to mark so that you dont have to go as far back. The only way to make it thru to the next level is to pay off the penguin to make a tunnel for you. Thanks keep up the great work.
Its easy to learn, but still challenging to make it to the bottom of the mountain. Making it through a tight slalom is such an awesome feeling! Great game!
I really like this game, however each time there is a fork in the trails the screen pans over without the character panning over with it making it literally impossible for me to get past forks. I have tried going all the way to either side and it still causes me to crash. Its really annoying and prevents me from getting any farther than I got before the update
I cant stop playing!
Has all the elements of a great addicting game. Easy to pick up, but quickly becomes very challenging. Character control is very responsive. Fun graphics and soundtrack When you crash it doesnt feel cheap, and is entirely your fault. Great game to try and get high scores on. Lots of little secrets and things to discover, even though its essentially an "endless runner" but broken down into stages.